Stanhopea oculata (No 1)

Stanhopea oculata (No 1)

Oculata is one of the most diverse species of stanhopea, found from Southern Mexico to Panama, Northern Colombia and Venezuela.

This clone is a large growing oculata variety. It has large pseudobulbs and flowers.

This grows well for me in Sydney. Flowering most years from mid to late January.

Images updated with 2022 flowering

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea graveolens (No 2)

Stanhopea graveolens (No 2)

A species found in Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

This grows well in Sydney. Flowering most years around February / March.

I purchased this plant as "wardii var. aurea", a common miss labelling for this species in Australia.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea hernandezii (No 1)

Stanhopea hernandezii (No 1)

Found in Mexico around 1700 to 2250 metres.

This grows well for me in Sydney. Flowering every other year, normally around late December or early January.

Images updated in 2023

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea tigrina var nigroviolacea (No 3)

Stanhopea tigrina var nigroviolacea (No 3)

Found in Mexico around 600 to 1700 metres.

Stanhopea tigrina, the gateway drug for the stanhopea addiction. Every collector I know has a story about where and how they got their first Stanhopea, and 99% of the time it will be a tigrina.

For me the first tigrina was a piece from mum, and she got her original piece from my grandmother. I'm pretty sure that my grandmother got her first piece from her father. Potentially a clone that has been in Australia 80+ years

Tigrina grows like a weed in Sydney. Flowering every year, normally around late December or early January.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Memoria Paul Allen

Stanhopea Memoria Paul Allen (S. ecornuta x S. tigrina)

A man made hybrid that looks very similar to the natural hybrid x fowlieana (S. ecornuta x costaricensis)

This grows well in Sydney. Flowering at random times throughout the year. I've got 2 clones of this (I think). 1 hasn't flowered for me yet. The plant in the picture was purchased as a deltoidea 2 or 3 year before it flowered.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea lietzei

Stanhopea lietzei

Found in Brazil at 100 to 800 metres.

This came to me many years ago labelled as shuttleworthii.

This grows well in Sydney, not as vigorously as tigrina but still well. Flowering every 2 or 3 years in January.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea hernandezii (No 2)

Stanhopea hernandezii (no 2)

A species found in Mexico around 1700 to 2250 metres.

My second clone of this easy to grow species. Flowering every other year, normally around late December or early January.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea embreei

Stanhopea embreei

A species found in western Ecuador and Peru around 500 to 1200 metres.

This flowers in December or January.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea costaricensis (No 1 Bruce)

Stanhopea costaricensis (No 1 Bruce)

A species found in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama at elevations of 500 to 1500 meters.

This was my first clone of this very varied species. Hopefully I'll be adding many more costaricensis images to this blog in the years to come.

This guy flowers just about every year anytime from late January to April.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Spindleriana (No 1)

Stanhopea Spindleriana (No 1)

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea tigrina x Stanhopea oculata.

Flowers most years in mid to late January

Lots of variations of this old hybrid around. This is just one example

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea connata

Stanhopea connata

This would have to be one of my favourite stanhopea.

Found in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru at 1000 to 2000 metres.

This is an average grower for me in Sydney. Flowering every 2nd or 3rd year, normally around late Feb or March. It's been struggling over the last couple of years so I'm trying it in the glasshouse to see if that helps things.

The connata is a very distinctive stanhopea that makes some great hybrids.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea ruckeri (No 1)

Stanhopea ruckeri (no 1)

Formerly known as inodora and often still labelled as such.

Found in Mexico, Belize and Nicaragua at elevations of 800 to 1500 meters.

Another great species for Sydney conditions. It grows well in my bush house and flowers every year from late December to mid February.

This particular clone would have to be one of my favourite stanhopea.

New images added from he 2022 flowering season.

The Stanhopea Guy