Stanhopea Peter Grinnell (No 1)

Stanhopea Peter Grinnell

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea oculata x Stanhopea graveolens

Flowers most years in February

With oculata and graveolens as parents this hybrid grows well in Sydney. This clone has an eye spot on the hypochile.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Gravins

Stanhopea Gravins

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea graveolens x Stanhopea insignis

Flowers most years anywhere from late February to early April

This grows well for me in the bush house.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Ashcroft Bell

Stanhopea Ashcroft Bell

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea ruckeri x Stanhopea graveolens

Flowers most years in early February

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea Wetley Secret

Stanhopea Wetley Secret

A primary hybrid between Stanhopea tigrina var nigroviolacea x Stanhopea graveolens.

Flowers most years in early January

Like most hybrids it grows well in my bush house in Sydney

Images updated in 2022 after an amazing flowering display.

The Stanhopea Guy

Stanhopea graveolens (No 2)

Stanhopea graveolens (No 2)

A species found in Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

This grows well in Sydney. Flowering most years around February / March.

I purchased this plant as "wardii var. aurea", a common miss labelling for this species in Australia.

The Stanhopea Guy